
Showing posts from July, 2020

Connection with Natural Systems

We always admire when we see a bird chirping outside our window, as it develops a relaxing and reassuring feeling within us. Its soothing sound lifts our mood in a positive way. We always think what we can do to bring nature’s pattern into our lives? Can we really adapt the nature’s pattern and bring changes to our lives? So sometimes when we see birds visiting our window or rooftop, we love to install a birdhouse for them with some food and water which attracts them towards it and looking at them we feel so connected to NATURE. As we have seen in our previous blog how a space with naturally connecting environment brings in well being and stimulates our senses. We have often seen that seasonal patterns and temporal changes have a great effect on human eye. With changing color and vibrancy our eyes adapt different lights from season to season. Our color perception is affected with different seasons. So in built environment if we incorporate a rooftop garden in offices or a garden in bal

Dynamic and Diffuse Light

In our previous blog of  Nature in the Space  we understood that how sun distinctly changes the light and shadow that stimulates our mood in a positive way. Let me just make it simple for you to understand when we go to buy a house the first thing which comes in our mind is the daylighting of the house.  Our eyes is always looking for huge window openings, cross ventilations and a beautiful view from the window as it fulfils our requirement of seeing the task and space well without using electric lighting. With an efficient daylight, we can reduce the usage of artificial lighting that helps us to be fruitful, calm, healthier and cheerful. We also save a lot on our electricity cost. The play of light and shadow provide users with lighting options that stimulate the eye and hold attention in a manner that engenders a positive psychological or physiological response, and to help maintain circadian system functioning. In our built environment it can be achieved with placing windows, skyli

Presence of Water

          Have you ever thought why beach houses are so popular? Whenever we are planning for an outing on a weekend, one of the ideas that come in our mind easily is, LET’S HIT THE BEACH. What is at a beach that attracts us so much? It’s the sea.            The calming waves hit the shore making a certain sound with each wave has a certain impact on our minds. The light breeze makes us feel refreshed, lively and lightens our mood. When we are working our busy schedule in an urban environment, our mind gets tired and so on a weekend such a break will make us feel more refreshed and it boosts our energy for the next week. You must be thinking how it is even possible to take such a break every weekend, Right? So what if I told you that the same experience of a refreshing environment you can get on a daily basis in your built environment! Built environments like offices, home, hospitals and so on can have the a few qualities that can divert your mind for a while for good.            A bui