
Showing posts from May, 2020


In the previous blog, we saw how visual connection with nature benefits our overall health and affects our mind in a positive way. It took care of one sense of the human body and that is vision, but what about the other 4 senses? If by engaging only one sense can be so impactful on our mind and body, imagine how much the other senses including the first one will make an impact on us. The other four senses include the sense of smell, the ability to hear, the sense of taste, the feeling of touch. These senses can be experienced separately, although the experience is multiplied and the health effect is intensified if multiple senses are experienced at the same time or engaged together as one experience. Now imagine yourself walking barefoot on a beach with your eyes closed and feeling the cool and pleasant breeze on your skin, the sound of waves crashing to the shore hitting your ears and you are moving towards the water feeling the texture of slightly warm sand, and as you keep


The connection we all have with each other as a human being depicts that no one in the world can live alone. People have emotions and feelings for everything around themselves. But what about the planet we live in? The nature that existed way before humans, before money, before our greed, do we really take care of the nature we got as a gift? Do we feel for nature? We all need each other to survive and so it is important to take care of nature and its resources as we take care of our loved ones. We feel happy when we are connected with our loved ones and same goes for nature, the constant connectivity with nature is important in order to stay healthy and happy. In the previous blogs, we have stated multiple times how connection with nature in any way is beneficial for the human kind. In the previous blog of nature in the space, we understood the meaning of visual connection with nature. There is also a variety of views which are either preferred or not. Some of the preferred vi