The connection we all have with each other as a human being depicts that no one in the world can live alone. People have emotions and feelings for everything around themselves. But what about the planet we live in? The nature that existed way before humans, before money, before our greed, do we really take care of the nature we got as a gift? Do we feel for nature? We all need each other to survive and so it is important to take care of nature and its resources as we take care of our loved ones. We feel happy when we are connected with our loved ones and same goes for nature, the constant connectivity with nature is important in order to stay healthy and happy. In the previous blogs, we have stated multiple times how connection with nature in any way is beneficial for the human kind.

In the previous blog of nature in the space, we understood the meaning of visual connection with nature. There is also a variety of views which are either preferred or not. Some of the preferred views are having a view of a water body, bunch of trees, flowering plants and so on. But these are often difficult to achieve in a built environment particularly in this rising urban culture but the area does not matter, the biodiversity does. It can be a view of clear sky in high rise buildings to get enough daylight coming can also be helpful. Viewing the nature for a period of even 20 minutes can relax the eyes reduces mental stress by increasing blood flow and brain activity to a relaxed state. There are some comparative pictures as follows to put some more light on the topic.

Be your own judge, from the above 2 pictures where will you feel like working? Or maybe I should ask where will you feel like working efficiently? In which space, you will feel more open? Where will you feel more connected with your colleagues? Where will you feel stressed and where stress free? The daylight coming in the space, open workstations, view to the outside, a minimum full height partition promotes the idea of a healthy working environment.

In the first picture, you can see how partitions are blocking the view. Also the employee will feel drowsier in such a cubicle leading to inefficiency and in turn loss for the company. While in the 2nd picture, you can see how workstations are placed perpendicular to the large window, so that we get no glare on the computer screens and also everyone can enjoy the view while working. You can also notice that minimum height partitions, so one gets required privacy and at the same time staying connected with each other.

In recent years, the idea of workspaces have been changed tremendously, other than just working, many more aspects of human well being are being taken into account for the health of an employee by providing healthy working environments. The idea is now spreading to all the spaces which are occupied by a human. Residences with better visual connection with nature are proven to affect our mind, our comfort, making us relaxed than the homes with poor connection to nature.

As you can see in the above pictures how nature has been preserved and merged with the built environments for the benefit of both nature and human kind. Obviously, the experience in such houses cannot be the same with a house with very less windows. Not only it provides us with good views, but also makes us aware of natural processes of nature, changing of weather and other living things. 

In the next blog find out more details on Biophilia

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