Have you ever been mentally and visually engaged by a cloth hanging in your balcony to dry up moving slowly and irregularly with the wind and your mind is not able to guess its next direction of flow? That’s exactly what this means, I’m sure it is experienced by each and everyone. Before we understand the topic in detail we need to understand the title so let’s break down the title, Non rhythmic means irregular, not uniform, something which is free, sensory means relating to your physical senses, an ability to sense things around yourself, and stimuli means a response to some activity, causes development or interest, so Non Rhythmic Sensory Stimuli means a human response to an irregular activity occurring naturally in the environment.

In one of our previous blog titled as Visual connection with nature, we have mentioned how staying connected with nature helps in human well being in spaces like residences, workspaces, health care and so on. This pattern usually overlaps the previous pattern. The patterns Visual connection with nature and non rhythmic sensory stimuli are somewhat similar in nature as they both engage one’s eyes and triggers mind. Having a view of natural processes, like changing weather conditions or a waterfall can enhance our experience of working, can enhance the idea of relaxing at home and so on.

Some of the examples of naturally occurring activities in nature are plant life rustling, cloud movement, animals and birds movement, birds chirping etc. But why do we care about the activities occurring naturally in the environment? How will those activities be beneficial to us? Imagine yourself working on a computer in a cubicle and the only interesting thing to look at is the computer screen, your energy levels will drain faster by working continuously for 4-5 hours accompanied with fatigue, headaches, body pain and eye strain because your eyes are focused only on one thing for so long.

 If within that time short mental breaks are taken to look around you, maybe outside a window, your eye changes focus and the lenses flatten and the muscles relaxes allowing you to go back to work feeling fresh and energized. It is a brief but welcome distraction. The same way we take a break from our work life and go on a vacation with our family or friends because as humans we all need a little change from our daily lives, It is a type of distraction which our brain needs once in a while like a coffee break amid the work or some activity. Apart from feeling fresh and energized, there are many other responses like eye lens focal relaxation patterns, observed and quantified behavioural measures of attention and exploration.

Non rhythmic sensory stimuli cannot be only experienced by eyes, but also our other senses like ability to hear and smell. The main idea of Non rhythmic sensory stimuli pattern is to encourage the use of natural sensory stimuli that attract attention to avoid mental fatigue and physiological stressors. 

These experiences should occur approximately after every 20 minutes for about 20 seconds. Naturally occurring simulations can also vary according to seasons, so a strategy which is effective year- round, such as multiple simulations that overlap with the seasonal simulations, this will ensure non rhythmic sensory simulations can occur at any given time of the year. The experiences can also be created mechanically for example- mechanically releasing plant oils, sounds of nature playing at unpredicted intervals, artwork created using shiny fabric that may move and shine with light breezes and so on. Mechanically created experiences may also invite boredom and can be ignored over time but naturally occurring activities will always capture attention.


By being connected with nature, a human will only enhance his quality of life and will face relatively less health problems.

In the next blog find out more details on Biophilia

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