
Showing posts from June, 2020

Thermal and airflow variability

In our previous blog of visual connection with nature, we saw how it is important to have a window with a view of nature in order to stay connected. This pattern is related to visual connection with nature in a way that it not only provides us with daylight and a view but also breeze. This concept is very simple to understand as it has been going on for ages and it points out the importance of windows in a space. The circulation of air is most important for human comfort. It is already known to people that why is ventilation required in a space. It keeps the room fresh. The space with more windows with natural air and daylight coming in, will always be better than space with a small window. This pattern evolves from looking at the effects of natural ventilation. This pattern is meant to mimic the actual nature in terms of temperature changes with different seasons and weathers in the built Environment. There are many changes in temperature, in the direction of sunrays and thus forming


Have you ever been mentally and visually engaged by a cloth hanging in your balcony to dry up moving slowly and irregularly with the wind and your mind is not able to guess its next direction of flow? That’s exactly what this means, I’m sure it is experienced by each and everyone. Before we understand the topic in detail we need to understand the title so let’s break down the title, Non rhythmic means irregular, not uniform, something which is free, sensory means relating to your physical senses, an ability to sense things around yourself, and stimuli means a response to some activity, causes development or interest, so Non Rhythmic Sensory Stimuli means a human response to an irregular activity occurring naturally in the environment. In one of our previous blog titled as Visual connection with nature, we have mentioned how staying connected with nature helps in human well being in spaces like residences, workspaces, health care and so on. This pattern usually overlaps the previous pat