Design is a very delicate subject as we can go wrong in so many ways. It may seem simple but its not because at the same time we have to keep so many things in our mind. The design process starts with a concept where our mind has to decide which road to take. Conceptual design gives us a direction which is very important as it doesn’t make our mind wander in the sky. It keeps us on a single straight road where the road will have so many obstacles. The design principles will flow automatically like pebbles kept on the same road for us to pick it up in middle and at the end of the road, the design will be ready. But on the same road there are so many things you don’t have to pick up for you to put in the design.
In this blog we will see some dos and don’ts of design.

DO have a direction and do not wander:
Taking up a concept is important otherwise our design will be a bunch of incomplete ideas in every direction.

For example : Whenever you are designing a room take a concept or inspiration which suits your client lifestyle and start designing on those lines.

DO follow principles of design:
The principles of design is like a rule book for our design. It helps us design easily.

For example : While designing anything apply the 7 basic principles of design - balance, rhythm, pattern, emphasis, contrast, unity and movement. For more clarity you can check our blog on Interior Design and its decoration

DO have a clear idea of which form to take as a basic design element:
Take any one geometry shape to design. You can experiment with different sizes of the same shape.

For example : A simple bathroom wherein we take a shape and use same in different of tiles, as artwork on mirror and cutout or groove work on ceiling to create a continuity of the same shape.

DO keep the things lighter above your head:
Always keep light ceilings, light in terms of design as well as color as it affects our mind because the bedroom is a place to rest.

For example : Never ever place any ledge or storage above bed and also use lighter ceiling design, if there is a structural beam you cannot avoid it, so try to keep some space and place the bed in order to  avoid heaviness above head.

DO use color scheme according to the personality of a client:
The client brief is like a bible to us . We have to read through them and understand their likes and dislikes and according to it design the space and the color scheme also depends upon the same.

For example : In a kids room use vibrant colors and graphics as per their theme. If you are designing living room or bedroom use warm, pastels and white as base colors to give it elegance and richness.

DON’T put too much furniture in a small space:
There should be a balance between the negative and positive spaces.The circulation space is a important as the furniture.

For example : In living room, keep seating in different types like 3 seater sofa + 2 seater sofa +Dual pouffe + accent chairs so it looks lighter and fulfill your client's requirements.

DON’T block natural light and air:
That’s something nature has given us for free. Why waste it? Use of all windows should be a its maximum.

For example : Sometimes you may find an odd small window behind bed, which is an hindrance to your design symmetry. So blend it in such a way that it is not blocked and also a part of your design like you can add up a intricate laser cut grill on window.

DON’T decorate too much:
The ratio of percentage of design vs decoration should be 80% is to 20%.

For example : When you are designing a room 80 percent should focused and general lightning , 20 percent of decorative lighting like chandeliers, wall scones, bracket light etc.

DON’T use a rainbow in a space:
Pick the colors smartly and how many is also a challenging question. You can use tints and shades of the same color to show variation in colors instead of using a different color.

For example : Keep in mind to enhance a room the color scheme should be pleasant, use of monochromatic scheme wherein you can use BLUE as primary shade and use its tints and shades to create harmony.

In interiors, DO NOT highlight all the things:
The designer should decide what they want to create as a focal point and only that part has to be highlighted while others has to be kept lighter.

For example : When you are designing a kitchen, you can keep the color scheme lighter and add on a exotic pattern wall dado in contrast to create a focal point.

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