Nature in the space

In the previous blog we discussed about the feelings that are experienced by a human being while doing adventures and today we will get into more detail of how one can experience all these feelings in their daily life with the help of biophilic design. Biophilic design patterns can be used as a tool for improving health and well-being in the built environment. The built environment refers to the man made structures like homes, offices, hospitals, hotels and so on.

Biophilic design can be organized into three categories:

·         Nature in the space.
·         Nature analogues.
·         Nature of the space.

These three categories provide an overall idea for understanding the biophilic design and how we can incorporate nature’s strategies into the built environment. You can check the below link for our Biophilic designed Office interiors

Nature in the space:
            It states the direct physical presence of nature in a space. These include all other forms of life like plants and animals and it also includes elements of nature such as air and water. These other living forms give out some sounds and scents tranquilizing our multi-sensory interactions. Water can be naturally available like in a form of pond or a river or it can be artificially created in the form of fountains, aquariums etc. Plants can also be used creatively such as potted plants, vertical gardens, flowerbeds, butterfly gardens, bird feeders and so on. The interaction between the human and all these elements turns out to be the best experiences of nature in the space, provided that these interactions are direct and meaningful. Each of these categories has some biophilic design patterns by applying; we can say that this is a biophilic design. Nature in the space has 7 biophilic design patterns and they are explained as follows:

·         Visual connection with nature: How does it feel when you are sitting on shacks and enjoying the view of a beach? A clear view with no disturbance with a continuous process of tides coming to shore and going back making a peaceful sound? Visual connection with nature states exactly the same. A clear view to the elements of nature, living systems and natural processes. This pattern is not only soothing to eyes but also has other health benefits. This can be incorporated into the built environment with the help of artwork depicting nature scenes, pond, green wall and so on.

·         Non visual connection with nature: Apart from visual connection of nature, all other stimuli like the sense of hearing, the sense of touch, sense of smell, sense of taste that engender a deliberate and positive reference to nature, living systems or natural processes. It feels fresh and well balanced as sounds, aromas and textures are reminiscent of being outdoors in nature. What would you prefer while working, the noise of traffic or the sounds of nature? This can be incorporated into the built environment with the help of digital stimulation of nature sounds, mechanically released plant oils, physically accessible water feature and so on.

·         Non rhythmic sensory stimuli: How satisfying is to watch a silk cloth flying in the air lasting for a very short time in a randomly determined process? This is an unpredicted process governed by nature. A space with good Non-rhythmic sensory stimuli explores one’s mind to something fresh, interesting, stimulating and energizing. The objective of this pattern is to attract attention, allowing individual’s capacity for focused tasks to be replenished from mental fatigue and physiological stressors. This can be incorporated into the built environment with the help of nature sounds broadcasted at unpredictable intervals, soft shiny fabric that move or shine with light or breeze, reflection of water on a surface.

·         Thermal and airflow variability: The nature is divided into different seasons. The temperature varies, the direction of air changes constantly and so on. What if our built environment could mimic this quality of nature? A space with good thermal and airflow variability feels refreshing, active, comfortable and most importantly it feels alive. The feeling of Sitting under a tree on a hot day. This can be incorporated into the built environment with the help of window operability and cross ventilation, system controls and so on.

·         Presence of water: The heading itself is self explanatory. Placing a water cascade near your bedroom in a balcony can improve your sleep quality. Water is that element of nature which instantly relaxes one’s body as soon as we come in contact with it. The objective of presence of water is to experience a place which is soothing, enhances mood and provides restoration from cognitive fatigue. This can be incorporated into the built environment by creating a water wall, constructed water fall, aquarium, fountain, constructed stream. Reflections of water real or reel on another surface can be so satisfying to watch. Check the below link for our work on Biophilic Balcony design

·         Dynamic and diffuse light: The sun throws light from multiple angles on the earth. This is something naturally occurring in the nature and apart from the sun there is moonlight and starlight in nature. Using varying intensities of light and shadow that change over time to create conditions that occur in nature is what this pattern suggests. A space with good dynamic and diffuse light condition conveys expressions of time and movement to evoke feelings of drama and intrigue, buffered with a sense of calm. The goal should not be to create uniform distribution of light through a space as it becomes boring, nor should there be extreme differences resulting in glare discomfort. This can be incorporated into the built environment by using ambient diffuse lighting on walls and ceilings, task and personal lighting, accent lighting.

·         Connection with Natural Systems: the quality of nature that it is ever changing and not at all static provides us with various natural systems. A space with good connection with natural systems evokes a relationship to a greater whole, making one aware of seasonality and the cycles of life. This experience is relaxing, nostalgic, enlightening. This can be incorporated into the built environment with the help of exposure of water infrastructure, by using natural palette of materials, a birdhouse in a space and so on. 

In the next blog we will see the second category which is Nature Analogues in detail.

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