Interior Design and it's Decoration

Can someone define design? It is funny how 10 different people will give 10 different answers to the very same question of what is design. Everyone will have a different perspective about design.

            According to us, Design is the way of expressing ideas in a form of any art. All the answers would be different but the primary base would be expression of what’s inside one’s mind. So a successful design will have all it’s principles such as Balance, Rhythm, Repetition, Unity and Harmony, Emphasis and so on. Keeping these principles in mind, a piece of work can be termed as design. Design is definitely something more than just making things pretty.

Every design contains a few things such as colors ,patterns, straight lines, curves, lights, furniture placement, decoration part such as vases, artworks, paintings,and so on. These elements will have a certain visual weight. Some elements will be heavier than the other according to the eye of the viewer. So it is important to create a feeling of balance with the help of these elements

Every element of design in a particular space should have a smooth flow to the next element for the eye of the viewer. It can be obtained with the help of colors, patterns, lines etc.

A design cannot have all the elements different from each other. It will create a feeling of being lost. Repetition is the key to unlock and to unify several different elements into one design. It can be done using patterns, forms, colors, textures and so on.

A design has all the elements in proportion , but there are some elements we want to highlight and have the viewer’s attention towards it. That’s where Emphasis comes into play.

The word contrast is related to colour. Many a times the design is perfectly shaped but it lacks something for which a client will say WOW! It can easily be obtained by smartly using a pop colour keeping other things lighter. Explore more kitchens with pop colour.    

When everything is designed, there comes the question of how these elements are dwelling with each other. These elements of design should look like a family. Designs with good unity will have a better impact on the viewer than the design with poor unity. 

Once the space is designed there comes it’s decoration part. One is incomplete without the other, but to master the usage of the same is no piece of cake. It becomes a challenge to know where to stop designing and to start decorating because sometimes “Too much of design also becomes a disaster”.
Have you ever been to a house which feels like a walk in an exhibition of decorative light fixtures and artworks? 50% of the customers cannot differentiate between a well designed space and a space that’s well decorated. It is as simple as a face of a small baby and a woman with full loaded jewellery and make up.

A space feels complete when it has perfect amount of design and only the things which are needed to enhance the existing design. Anyone with a good eye for things can decorate a space, but only a professional can design a space. Design has an unlimited scope whereas decoration has a limited scope. Decoration comes once the design is done. Design and decoration are in a process and not two individual concepts. The decoration should be such that it compliments the design.

One can decorate a space with the help of attractive light fixtures, plants, attractive wall hangings, paintings, artworks and many more items. The principle of decoration is only about the placement of objects to acquire a perfect balance with the design and keeping in mind the harmony of the whole space when looked together as one. There are several small spaces in a space which needs only decoration and no design.

Here is an example on how decoration helps enhancing the design. Click the below link to to know more about balcony design and decoration

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  1. Nice information with images, I love them.

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