Human life has become a life in a nutshell, surrounded by four walls with a small window that may not even be useful with this escalating amount of construction around. Why is it that with development in all the sectors we are still unable to develop as a human being? With increasing amounts of money in our pockets we are still unable to fight diseases. Why is it that People in 21st century are having more and more mental health issues compared to the lives earlier? And most important issue to think is what’s next?
          We have completely lost the idea of human relationship with nature and are growing apart from it day after day. We need to find the bridge between the modern built environments with natural world as we are a part of nature. We will never be truly healthy, satisfied or fulfilled if we live apart and alienated from the environment from which we evolved. We need to bring back life into our lives!
The concept Biophilic design is an innovative approach that emphasizes the necessity of maintaining, enhancing, and restoring the beneficial experience of nature in the built environment. The idea of biophilic design arises with the realization that the people’s mind, their health, productivity, intelligence is sensitive to outside world. In one of our earlier blogs we have mentioned that anything and everything that surrounds us have a positive or negative impact on us. Our mind is actually ruled by the surrounding we are in. There are physical as well as mental benefits which we get by connecting with nature. There are also scientific evidences stating that biophilic design is beneficial in areas like health care, work places, childhood development, and more. Our advice to you all will be, get involved in your surroundings, because nature has unlimited things to offer.
In the next blog we will see how stepping into nature will affect our body and mind.

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