As we now know, Biophilic design is an art and science to incorporate nature into the built environment. We humans are evolved from nature and are sensitive to it. Each and every activity that is taking place around us affects us in some or the other way.

In the previous three blogs we understood how to design a space using biophilic patterns, but the question is why do we need more of biophilic designs in a built environment? This blog will provide some perspective on biophilia and its importance to human well- being. We are a part of nature and in order to stay healthy physically and mentally, we have to stay connected with nature. Humans travel  from one built environment to another. The built environment includes all the spaces occupied by a human for some functional purpose such as residences, workspaces, childhood spaces, hospitals and so on. We are focusing on such spaces where a person has to spend a lot of time for a purpose and not on the spaces we occasionally visit. Even the spaces we occasionally visit can be designed beautifully using the same thought to enhance the little experience we get by spending time over there such as malls, restaurants, cafes and so on. This blog will provide us some perspective on biophilia and its importance to human well- being.


The most comfortable place where your mind and body is at peace is our home. There is no better place to relax than home. But what additional can be done to increase the quality of the time we spend at our houses. Due to more and more competition and constant fight to make a livelihood, there are increasing number of cases of depression and anxiety. Imagine yourself in a small room with dark walls a single bulb and one small window. Doesn’t it sound like a prison? A house which invites more and more daylight, provides natural ventilation, offers a nice view, painted with peaceful colors, having an area for plants can be beneficial for our mental as well as physical health. Using biophilia principles at home can lighten one’s mood, reduces chances of depression, connects us with nature and improves bonding among other family members.

A Biophilic Residence design done by us check the below link :


A clear mind is needed to work efficiently throughout the day. A lethargic brain can only bring losses. To have a clear mind and an active body, the environment of work also plays an important role. The productivity of an employee is directly related to his comfort. The environment in which he has to work triggers his mood. What will you prefer, a small cubicle having partition from 3 sides with no view to the rest of the office or a cubicle with a window from where the daylight enters everyday on your desk with a refreshing view with minimum partitions? Work stress is common but to get rid of it quickly is also simple. The health of the workers is important for the organisation to work well and so the design and other elements related to the office environment is also important to maintain the health of the workers which will give job satisfaction to the workers and thus increases their productivity and soon the results will be seen in overall organisation development. Appropriate daylight and shadows, balance of natural and artificial ventilation, proper lighting, a place for withdrawal to take a small break from the usual work, a sense of safety, understanding human psychology and then designing, natural responses of human towards natural elements, all these elements are important for the well being of a human working in a particular space.

A Biophilic Workplace design done by us check the below link : 


A place where a person is being treated and is in the process of being healthy again requires at most attention in terms of design and how it can be beneficial for the patients residing in the hospital for faster recovery. There are studies demonstrating that biophilic measures provide actual gains through improving outcomes compared to alternatives such as not providing nature. Because of the tensed atmosphere in a hospital, stress becomes a major problem in healthcare. Many stressful aspects of hospitalization include fear about surgery, painful medical procedures, and disruption of social relationships. This stress is increased by poorly designed healthcare being noisy, deny privacy, prevent the patients from seeing out of the windows, and many more. Therefore, human psychology is dependent on the surroundings. Daylight exposure affects energy levels, alertness, and positive activity. This can also reduce chances of depression and can avoid drowsiness. A hospital room should be well-lighted, exposed to day light, with a view of nature, for example a garden. This can bring positive responses, improving emotional well being, fostering restoration, promoting health, reducing stress, depression. Larger windows in rooms, more of daylight, place for restoration, well designed outdoor gardens, providing visual art, providing technology to enable patients to experience stimulated nature where real nature is not possible, are some of the biophilic design recommendations for healthcare environments.

Our share for Humankind towards Healthcare check the below link :


The growth of technology in our lives has left us thinking its impact on our children and their development. Time has gone where children used to go outside and play with each other and make informed judgement on the experiences because of the growth in T.V culture and video games. If natural scenes viewed from the indoors can have a measureable effect, imagine the possible impact of hands-on, outdoor immersion in nature. Being outdoors in the nature influences independent behaviour, initiates exploration, facilitates cooperation, can collaborate with each other, have a positive social impact on children. Physical and social health by outdoor experiences strengthens psychological health. It is also possible that exposure to nature, may be a beneficial boost to a child’s immune system, providing extra protection against illness. It is also important for indoor spaces catering children to have connection with nature. A space should have a provision for children to fully experience nature and benefit from its preventive health effects and also learn from it. More and more spaces are needed that emphasize continuous indoor-outdoor contact with natural systems. These spaces include kid bedrooms, child care centres, and preschools. Direct contact with nature allows the minds of the children to develop a sensitive appreciation for our planet. Forest provides an ideal space to move freely thereby gaining self- confidence. Being in nature develops child’s fantasies, curiosity to learn, stimulates the brain, and increases creativity.

In the next blog find out more details on Biophilia

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