As the heading suggests - Nature of the Space, it refers to the nature of spatial configurations. We always have a desire to see and learn something new which enriches us. We always try to see beyond our perceptible limits. We are always fascinated by the unpredictable quality of nature, its patternless expression. Nature of the space includes our innate and learned desire to be able to see beyond our immediate surroundings. It also includes our fascination with the slightly unknown obscured views with its sense of danger. The strongest Nature of the Space experiences are achieved through the creation of deliberate and engaging spatial configurations commingled with patterns of Nature in the Space and Natural Analogues. This particular category includes 4 patterns of biophilic design and they are as follows:

Prospect: This pattern usually overlaps the very first pattern that is visual connection with nature. Prospect is an uninterrupted view over a distance for surveillance and planning. A space with a good Prospect condition feels open and freeing, yet imparts a sense of safety and control, particularly when alone or in unfamiliar environments. The health benefits of this particular pattern include reduction in stress, boredom, irritation, fatigue, and perceived vulnerability and also improved comfort. Good prospect is extensive and information rich with a savanna-like view. Prospect is characterized as the view from an elevated position or across an expanse. There are many types of prospect such as indoor, outdoor, short depth, long depth and because of this variety; it makes itself a powerful design element. This can be incorporated into the built environment by using transparent materials, preferring open floor plans and so on.

Refuge: Isn’t it great when we are alone in woods, you find a place like a cave where you feel safe and you can rest? This pattern states exactly the same. In nature, there are many dangerous places and there are also places where we feel safe. Refuge is a place for extraction, from environment conditions or the main flow of activity. A space with a good Refuge condition feels safe, providing a sense of retreat and withdrawal – for work, protection, rest or healing – whether alone or in small groups. The primary objective of the Refuge pattern is to provide users with an easily accessible and protective environment – a smaller portion of a larger space – that supports restoration. The secondary objective is to limit visual access into the refuge space. The functions of refuge conditions are weather or climate protection, speech or visual privacy, rest or relaxation and so on. This can be incorporated into the built environment in the form of phone booths in offices, using blinds when needed privacy, lowered ceiling in the area and so on.

Mystery: Mystery is the promise of more information achieved through partially blocked views that forces an individual to travel deeper into the environment. How does it feels when you are walking across a zig zag path in a forest where you have no idea what you are approaching? A space with a good mystery condition offers an unknown space for you to explore by yourself. Mystery characterizes a place where an individual feels compelled to move forward to see what is around the corner. The objective of the Mystery pattern is to provide a functional environment that encourages exploration in a manner that supports stress reduction. This can be incorporated into the built environment in corridors, pathways, parks and so on.

Risk: Risk is an noticeable threat coupled with a reliable safeguard. How does one feel while standing at an edge of a cliff? A space with a good Risk condition feels exciting, and with an implied threat, maybe even a little mischievous. One may feel a bit fear but worth exploring. The danger created by this pattern is inert and unable to cause harm due to a trusted element of safety. The objective of the Risk pattern is to stimulate attention and curiosity, and refreshment of mind and body. This can be incorporated into the built environment by using cantilevers structures, transparent floors, passing under, over or through water and so on.

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