Nature Analogues

Biophilic design patterns can be used as a tool for improving health and well-being in the built environment. In the previous blog, we discussed about Nature in the Space and its 7 patterns which contribute to biophilic design. In this blog we will see the second category that is Nature Analogues.

Nature analogues:
            Nature in the space addresses untreated, non living and indirect traces of nature. What can you use as an inspiration from nature for designing an artwork or a furniture item? There are unlimited things which can be used such as objects, materials, shapes, color, texture, patterns, sequences found in nature and by all these coming together in different combinations invent useful items as artworks, ornamentation, furniture, decor textiles in the built environment. For example- Mimicking the shape of a leaf as a dining tabletop. Mimicking the shape of a shell as an artwork, using natural materials that have been processed or extensively altered. By doing this, we build an indirect connection with nature. The strongest natural analogue experiences are achieved by providing organised information or information through a process. Nature Analogue has 3 biophilic design patterns and they are explained as follows:

·      Nature's forms and patterns:  
When you look around yourself you will see numerous forms and patterns in nature, the texture of a leaf, the shape of a flower etc. Nature's Forms and Patterns are symbolic references which exist in nature. They may be  patterned, textured,  contoured or in numerical arrangements. While we are aware of the fact that nature's forms and patterns are not living things, we may describe them as symbolic representations of life. Nature dislikes right angles and straight lines. The golden angle that measures 137.5 degrees is the angle between successive petals in some flowers which is also applicable in designing. The objective of using nature's forms and patterns in the built environment is to connect humans with nature by providing representational design elements. A space with good nature's forms and patterns feels interesting and comfortable.

·      Material connection with nature:
This pattern states that the connection of humans with materials that are available in nature with minimal processing should be there as a space with good material connection with nature feels rich, warm and authentic. The impact of natural color palette, particularly the color green, has on cognitive performance. By using natural materials, one can explore the characteristics and quantities of natural materials useful for positive cognitive and physiological response. In interiors, natural materials can be used for making furniture, artworks, accent details, for a decorative stone wall and many more.

·      Complexity and order: 
            Nature repeats itself so beautifully that it attracts our attention and doesn’t let go of it so easily. When you look at a flower, some flowers have their petals in multiple layers in an ascending order of size from the center. This pattern is evolved from research on fractal geometries and preferred views. We have a response for everything. It is seen that our physiological responses to the complexity of fractals in nature is positive. Overly complex designs and environments may result in psychological stress and even nausea. The objective of the complexity and order pattern is to provide symmetries and fractal geometries configured with a coherent spatial hierarchy, to create a visual nourishing environment that engenders a positive psychological and cognitive response. Fractals can exist at any scale but we have to know when to stop. In the built environment, it becomes a challenge to find a balance between an information rich environment which is interesting and restorative or it is information surplus that becomes stressful.

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